I read a lot on the response to getting games to play with "Wine",
"VMware," and "Cedega 5.1" however, we on this forum are here because we
want a chose and can afford the opportunity to play around with what
ever distro we want. Ask your self, how many computers do you own? what
would happen if you lost a system do to experimenting, Chances are your
awnser is somewhat like mine, reload the software and see what I did
wrong. I betting most of your personnel files are backed up somewhere
safe, so you can frag your system and no harm done. The majority of
Non-Linx user I encounter have one hard drive, and one computer, and
have files of value they don't want to lose.
My point behind this is we as a user base need to develop, or put
pressure on game companies to make games so that the disc can be
inserted, installed and played by people who don't want to rip out their
hair, trying to figure Linux out.
And the first person who tells me that they should go to microsoft, I
swear I going to slap with a salted mackerel, microsoft has too much........