I forgot to put this link in here. This shows all the mirrors. YMMV on the speed of the download, but there isn't a big drain right now because it's been out for a month.
Brian Kelsay
"Brian Kelsay" <> 01/26/05 11:34AM >>>
Here's one. Get the Simply Mepis. It's all you need. The old 2 disk set had server stuff and you don't need that for your dad. After you have it installed you can "apt-get update" and "apt-get install <packagename>" for anything you don't have yet.
On Wednesday 26 January 2005 01:28 pm, Brian Kelsay wrote: I forgot to put this link in here. This shows all the mirrors.
Thanks. Which of the eighteen files in the mirrors is the live CD? Do I want cd1 or cd2?