-----Original Message----- From: Justin Lamar
I've gotten the generic VGA x-server driver to work in 640x480, but with only 2 colors. I was looking for 256 colors like I get with Windows 3.1. The card is a Video7 1024i with 512 KB of memory. I think the chipset is slightly too old to work with the Video7 driver that is available.
Chipsets supported by the Video7 driver (notice the first entry, so and Video7 card should work with this driver, but your card is also specifically mentioned, so it should work).
/* Video7 */ { "Video7 (chipset unknown)", "Video7 FastWrite/VRAM (HT208)", "Video7 1024i (HT208A)", "Video7 VRAM II (HT208B)", "Video7 VRAM II (HT208C,D)", "Video7 HT216B,C", "Video7 HT216D", "Video7 HT216E", "Video7 HT216E", "Video7 VEGA" },