When I want to create a floppy in Linux I use Konqueror and drag what I want selected into the /dev/floppy location. Then presto chango KDE asks me if I want to move, copy or link and I say copy and automajically the floppy is created. I can also right click on the floppy icon and format the disk, mount it, unmount it, or open it. Soon I'm sure I'll be able to choose sing or dance too. I never use CLI for tasks that are just too mundane or easy to do from the GUI. Why should I? It's faster to drag-n-drop and click an ok button than it is to switch to a CLI and type in the whole long command. The CLI is great to know, but when I build furniture I don't go out and cut down a tree and process the wood into properly dimensioned lumber first. I know how, just as I know how to make logic gates from transistors, but you don't see me building electronic devices from individual transistors. I use premade ICs for this type of work. Granted it's important to know the basics and the barebones stuff, but come on people, why torture ourselves and newbies trying to make them use the CLI for everything under the sun when a perfectly usable GUI can do it so much easier. </CLI rant>
<dons asbestos suit>
-----Original Message----- From: Brian Kelsay