Damn, you beat me to it. On the punctuation thing. I didn't see where he used the word "critique" though. The first word of a sentence should be capitalized though. All kidding aside, you did a good job Tallen.
Brian, XOOPS is a CMS (Content Management System), like PHPNuke, PostNuke, Slashdot, et al. I think it is written in PHP. Steven said he wanted to use that since he knew it and it is very flexible due to lots of modules being available. I am worried about speed issues, but the new LUG server seems to be very beefy, so far. I still prefer the listserv, because everybody has a mail client and it is usually open all day. Unfortunately, if I am only subscribed from home, then I may not be able to check those messages throughout the day unless I have webmail of some sort. We'll see how it shakes out. If someone else thinks they can do better, they can always volunteer and start w/ they're own space or collaborate w/ Steven.
Brian Kelsay
"Brian Densmore" <> 11/09/04 09:42AM >>>
-----Original Message----- From: Steven Hildreth
... Not to sound ungrateful for any comments/suggestions, but lets try to make them constructive and productive to making a modern, updated, technical site for our group. I know you Linux guys (myself included) tend to argue over semantics versus content ;)
Nice job. I posted a comment on the site.
Not to be picky or nitpicky or argue over semantics, buuuuuuuut ... sentences usually end in one of [.?!] not ";)" . ^ Note period to end sentence. ________________|
Also critique is spelled with a "u". ;')
What is XOOPS? (Sure I could google it, but you brought it up - and I'm lazy today.)
Lumen Software will donate the software for our web content management and authoring, calendar, bulletin board solutions if you are interested. Don.
On Tue, 2004-11-09 at 10:00, Brian Kelsay wrote:
Damn, you beat me to it. On the punctuation thing. I didn't see where he used the word "critique" though. The first word of a sentence should be capitalized though. All kidding aside, you did a good job Tallen.
Brian, XOOPS is a CMS (Content Management System), like PHPNuke, PostNuke, Slashdot, et al. I think it is written in PHP. Steven said he wanted to use that since he knew it and it is very flexible due to lots of modules being available. I am worried about speed issues, but the new LUG server seems to be very beefy, so far. I still prefer the listserv, because everybody has a mail client and it is usually open all day. Unfortunately, if I am only subscribed from home, then I may not be able to check those messages throughout the day unless I have webmail of some sort. We'll see how it shakes out. If someone else thinks they can do better, they can always volunteer and start w/ they're own space or collaborate w/ Steven.
Brian Kelsay
"Brian Densmore" <> 11/09/04 09:42AM >>>
-----Original Message----- From: Steven Hildreth
... Not to sound ungrateful for any comments/suggestions, but lets try to make them constructive and productive to making a modern, updated, technical site for our group. I know you Linux guys (myself included) tend to argue over semantics versus content ;)
Nice job. I posted a comment on the site.
Not to be picky or nitpicky or argue over semantics, buuuuuuuut ... sentences usually end in one of [.?!] not ";)" . ^ Note period to end sentence. ________________|
Also critique is spelled with a "u". ;')
What is XOOPS? (Sure I could google it, but you brought it up - and I'm lazy today.)
Kclug mailing list [email protected] http://kclug.org/mailman/listinfo/kclug
Don P. Keeler Chief Technology Officer Lumen Software
P:816.880.0066 F:816.880.0440
Lumen Genesis Initiative™ – Catalyst for the Rapid Growth of Linux Solutions
LightBulb™, Lumenation™, Lumen Linux Terminal Services™, Linux Enterprise Network Suite™, EzThin™, LISG™, and LSDG™ are trademarks of GeKL Technologies, Inc., owner of the brand name Lumen Software.
GJ Tallen. I am working on the banner still.
So far what i see lokks good and is very well done.
melissa price