-----Original Message----- From: Brian Kelsay
Has anyone created .rpm or .deb files for RedHat, SuSe or Debian systems? Do you do everything from the command line or have you found any graphical tools to help with the process? Mainly so that you don't forget any important
Yes. From the command line.
registry (unless you count gconf). Please point me at any docs/URLs you found to be helpful in learning the process. I've skimmed the Debian Policy Manual for the important points, but I assume that more of it will become clear after I build and test a few .debs.
I don't have anything new to add, but if you read the linuxdevices article then you probably saw a mention of pkgwrite. http://www.ffem.org/daveb/pkgwrite/ Which will create .deb and .rpm from one control file. I haven't looked for a gui install toolkit. Would be a nice project, but since I never got the last project I thought of off the ground I'm not certain about starting a new one. On the upside, I've completed one of my home projects and am well on the way to finishing up a second one. [Way OT: Anyone know a good glue stripper, for stripping rug glue off of concrete? One that preferably won't kill every living thing in a 50 mile radius.]
As far as debs go, if you can make your depends rely on other debs, and don't worry about indirect depends. If you know that your app depends on Kwrite, then use Kwrite for the depend. Not Kwrite,KDE,X,etc. Let the PMS handle the dependency tree.
Brian Densmore