-----Original Message-----
From: Garrett Goebel
Have you tried to just chroot into another one?
For _a_ test environment, that's fine. But not for running multiple simultaneous test environments, or giving away root accounts.
Are you saying that you can't open up multiple CLIs and run chroot in as many simultaneous instances as memory and diskspace allow?
[somewhat OT: ] Also if one can break out of a chroot environment then they have the skill to own the machine anyway. You need to be able to find and use a security flaw on the machine that would give you root access and have access inside of the chrooted environment to a compiler or perl interpreter. So the fact that one could own a machine from inside a chroot environment doesn't increase the possibility that someone could get root access. Although what that has to do with wanting to run a VM, which is what this thread is about, eludes me. In order to run a VM a user would need an account on your box, and if they are going to crack your system and have the knowledge to break out of a chrooted environment, then they can own your box from their user account.