The only other 7z that I can think of is 7-zip, there is a command line version for Linux. Not sure why they would use it on a Linux distro iso, but you could try it. I got a source file for KISO in 7z format, but I haven't tried installing it yet. That is the only other place I've seen .7z used.
-----Original Message----- From: On Behalf Of Curt Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 7:12 PM
Just downloaded a Gentoo based livecd that has XGL running on both gnome and kde.... Unfortunately, I can't seem to extract the iso image with either Ark, File Roller or Karchiver. I installed p7zip and using command line 7za I keep getting unsupported file type errors. I am unfamiliar with 7za and p7zip... Can someone offer info on how to extract this file? file name=RR64-Linux-3.0b1.iso.7z Thanks