On Wednesday 16 January 2008, Bradley Hook wrote:
Luke -Jr wrote:
Only if you're comparing it to a whole similar "package"-- so if you want to compare it with your XFCE desktop, you MUST INCLUDE ALL APPLICATIONS YOU USE in the comparison.
Yes and no. I get your argument, but seriously, KDE and GNOME are both heavy window managers, period.
Neither KDE nor GNOME are window managers at all. GNOME doesn't even INCLUDE a window manager, last I checked. And KWin is quite light, in part because it doesn't *need* the features most standalone window managers do.
I used to prefer fluxbox, because it really was (is) lighter and faster in practice, even with all of my apps loaded. KDE and GNOME both by default run a bunch of extra stuff that you "might" need, but you usually don't. Granted, it's trivial to turn these things off if you don't want them, but by default your system will run slow(er).
However, the flip side is that it isn't always trivial to enable a feature you want in light weight desktops like fluxbox. If you are setting a system up for a transitional Windows user, you want everything to be pretty and "just work," even if it uses 200% more RAM and loads 3 seconds slower than it otherwise could. My wife (who still fights with me over our 100% Linux house) is relatively happy with KDE and GNOME (we have 1 machine running each), but she would flip if I put something like fluxbox in front of her. She doesn't give a damn that it loads to desktop 15 seconds faster and uses practically no RAM.
Who uses the desktop?
Note you can always replace the startkde script with something quicker if you really want to.