[email protected] wrote:
See also http://www.redwoodvirtual.com. They offer root accounts in a UML environment. I don't work for them nor am I a customer. Though I am thinking of playing with the idea in case I wanted to venture into web hosting. I'm always up for learning something new anyway!
I was a bit ambiguous earlier in the thread when I said "virtual environment." My main goal would be to run Linux on Linux, as close to hardware as I can get for the purpose of testing other Linux distributions. Recently I installed several Linux distros to get screenshots of how to update that specific distro. I used spare space on my hard drive for the installs, but then I had to worry about uids and gids and mounting the other partitions correctly so I could save off the screenshots. Not a big deal, but if I am going do more of this, I'd like to run the distros as a VM and mount /home via NFS, and authenticate via OpenLDAP+PAM.
I've run into a bit of these problems while messing with LiveCDs. Most allow you to mount partitions as read only, so how do you save your screenshots? From the commandline, in a root xterm, you "mount -rw /dev/hdax /mnt/hdax" where x is the partition number. If it is fat16 or 32, you can add "-t vfat" after the mount and before the partition info, for ntfs you use "-t ntfs" but you can't do read-write. Actually you can now if you use the captive NTFS driver, but that's another lesson/headache. As for UIDs and GIDs I'd be interested in how you solved this.