What distros have you used other then FC2. If you need it up now use a distro that you know. I know there would be help if needed for a Gentoo or Debian install. Troubleshooting can take sometime that might need for other things. So if you need asap use something you know or have used the most.
I've used Redhat 8 & 9, Fedora Core 2 and Suse 8 & 9. I did Mandrake once but only for a few hours :)
I have a "backup" hosting this site for now - it's just a workstation which actually has more memory than the server, but slower processing and a slower hard drive (Compaq SmartArry RAID drives v. one IDE drive). I can tell it's much slower when I access the backup site.
So I have some time to troubleshoot (mostly this weekend), in between doing laundry, etc. :)
Thanks for the suggestions.