I have heard and would think it possible that emacs would be the best interface for a blind person.
I have heard at least two blind GNU users state that they have used
JAWS, and the switched to gnome's ORCA screen reader, and found it to
be substantially better. Any GNOME based distro should be fine so
long as she sticks with GTK-based apps. Specifically Orca takes
queues from the GTK window layout framework which do not exist in KDE
or non-gtk windows. Nothing is going to be perfect. Especially when
someone is looking for an excuse to complain about it, but Orca is
supposed to be pretty darn good.
As for dealing with ATT? See if a mention of the ADA to ATT support's
supervisors makes ATT support more eager to help. The ADA entitles
any disabled person to rain sulfur and brimstone down upon any
business that doesn't bend over backwards to placate the handicapped.
On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 13:10, Haworth, Michael A.
<Michael_Haworth@pas-technologies.com> wrote:
> she is extremely leery of change (primarily because of her lack of vision)I would encourage you to disregard that. Everyone who is leery of
change will find some justification to be leery of change. Many blind
people have found Orca superior to Jaws. And take this chance to get
her away from using ISP-provided email for heavens sake. Don't
present things as an option, and people won't choose to be leery of
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