--- [email protected] wrote:
A person I gave a Live CD to at iTech is having trouble booting with it. He sent me the following message(see below).
The Linux Live CD locked up on my XP PC on bootup at the following line:
Starting Enterprise Volume Mangement System.
Please let me know if you have any insights/ideas about this, or need
more info first.
I found the following on a cached Google page, an IRCBlog:
<yaaar>: I've had hoary on my roommates computer for about 3 weeks. Working great. I reboot just now and it hangs completely at "Starting Enterprise Volume Management System"
<yaaar>: It's just sitting there with a flashing cursor under "Starting Enterprise Volume Management System..." ctrl-alt-delete does nothing, and it's been sitting there for 6 minutes
<adamh>: yaaar: If you press keys, do you see any response?
<yaaar>: i tried powering down and up again.... same thing
<yaaar>: adamh: yes, keys will come up. i can't backspace them, as backspace prints out into weird chars
<jwb>: yaaar: do you actually need evms?
<jwb>: jwb yaaar: reboot to single-user mode and remove evms (if you don't need it)
I suspect that the Ubuntu LiveCD may just not work with some hardware, thanks to evms. I looked up cheatcodes for KNOPPIX LiveCD, suggestions for the Ubuntu LiveCD:
pci=biosirq According to the KNOPPIX cheatcode list, this is good for unruly hardware.
3 I'd be interested to see if it boots into runlevel 3.
nodma Possible theory here, based on some other stuff I've read.
failsafe Only if nothing else works, does very minimal hardware detection
However, there are many people complaining on the Ubuntu forums that many of the KNOPPIX cheatcodes don't work on Ubuntu LiveCDs. The Ubuntu LiveCD may have been a poor choice as a universal LiveCD to hand out, despite its inclusion of Windows versions of popular OSS Software.
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