I agree completely. And I think the new site looks wonderful and offers a ton of functionality.
Good work!
Is w3/wia and w3/HTML compliance a requirement of the replacement offering? Never was mentioned to me when I offered to create a new modern, dynamic replacement site.
No CMS stock package I have found (I have tested several for a previous project including; PhpNuke, PostNuke, Slashcode, eGroupare, Mambo, and XOOPS) generates either w3/wia or w3/HTML compliant code.
My position is that if it renders well in Mozilla, Firefox, Konqueror and IE that is ensuring a wide enough target audience. Sure the Links guys will get pissed, but realistically I think we should ensure operability with the 99% audience - not degrade the overall visual impression for all to appease the 1%
Other opinions?
Regards, Steven (Tallen)