Greettings Luggites!
Got a question for those who are using Mozilla mail or also looking for suggestions. I've had Mozilla Mail running for a several weeks now, as I now use the PC for full time work. I've noticed that it disconnects from my secure IMAP gateway regularly. Which would be fine, except it doesn't reconnect, and I see no options to switch from continuous to timed checking. I've alos noticed that when it disconnects the only way to then check the mail that has arrived is to shutdown Mozilla or purge the cache. Also there is no place I can see to have it put an icon on the task bar so it will flash when mail arrives. So I've switched over to using kmail. Anyone else notice this quirky berhavior with Mozilla or recommend a good mail client robust enough to use in a work environment?
I'm running KDE and would prefer not to load both KDE and Gnome libraries as I'm already loading the system down with dual KDE screen (to placate my lovely wife's need for her own desktop, that she can use without having to "hassle with all that crap, everytime she wants to use it").
Thanks, Brian Jack
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