Next year, I think we need to do a couple of things differently.
1) We don't even try to do the 6.10 release of Ubuntu, because it
will by definition be too new to know if there are issues.
Instead, if 6.04 is solid, we use it, which has the advantage that
several of us can order bunches of official discs well in advance of
the event, and collect them together ahead of time, instead of finding
out after the show has started that people who have promised to bring
some are unable to make it to the event due to some unforseen
problem. It can happen to anyone. Last year, Chris was in
an accident. This year, we had at least one person too young to
be allowed on the show floor. The goal here is to have a good
supply of live CDs and/or OpenCD (FOSS apps for Windows) actually in
the hall before the show opens.
2) The other advantage of choosing a CD several months in advance
is that we might even be able to customize it. I think we need to
make sure that any Windows functionality includes in the K-meleon
screen a link to an on-disk html document, and the live desktop should
have an icon linking to the same document, which would include KCLUG
info, such as the base,
and URLs, to facilitate access
to our available services. Adding this document in exchange for
the time and expense we incur in burning CDs seems a fair bargain to me.