I love those projects and I'm involved in 4 of them.
SETI - looking for ET, Einstein - looking for gravity waves, folding proteins,
and climate forecasting. I've got anywhere from 1-3 PCs dedicated to
them at all times. But that's distributed computing and not a
Do you think KU or UMKC might have a suitable project
for a small supercomputer? Or how about some of our local medical
research companies? Maybe we could offer it to Channel 9 so they can get
our local weather forecasts right (tongue in cheek).
Brian - Kansas City, MO" <[email protected]> wrote:
I know that finding primes and cracking
encryption is not considered sexy, but that is one basic thing you can
use to test your computing cluster. After that you could move to the
SETI client, folding@home, one of the
other protein folding clients. Those folding clients may
actually help people down the road.