I do not know if it is too late but fedora has live CD ISOs avalable for download if you had blank disks and a burner
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2007 05:40:21 -0800 (PST) From: Leo Mauler [email protected] Subject: ITEC: Missing CDs, general thoughts To: [email protected] Message-ID: [email protected] Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
We didn't have any Linux CDs yesterday, so we have been telling people to go to shipit.ubuntu.com. I just checked ShipIt this morning and the turnaround time for a free Ubuntu Linux CD is up to ten weeks, so anyone who came by our booth on Wednesday is in for a bit of a shock if they want to try out Linux.
I'll see if I can find some paper sleeves and burn a dozen or two Ubuntu Linux CDs, but the official Ubuntu CDs we had last year would look a lot better.
In general ITEC's new management is a mixed bag. They don't seem to have charged regular IT people for admission, not even to attend the conference lectures, but to compensate for this they have raised exhibitor booth rates. Even with free admission to everything, attendance wasn't as high as last year.
OTOH, they did hand out free box lunches to everyone, exhibitors and attendees, including choice of soda or bottled water. They also didn't mind giving you a second box lunch if the first one wasn't quite enough. If word gets around about the free box lunches they hand out around noon, Thursday attendance may be a lot higher than Wednesday.