And I was tilting my head downwards to keep the top from being cropped off (like practically every other photo ever taken of me and anyone else).
My wedding photographer had a lot of trouble: my wife is 5 foot even. Getting us both in the same picture was a trick and a half, I think he broke out a fisheye lens once.
--- "Monty J. Harder" [email protected] wrote:
"David Nicol" [email protected] wrote: is the one
most deserving of
getting made into a postcard in my opinion.
What happened?
Jim was talking to an attendee, Bill was listening as well, while I was distracted by some shiny object, causing my head to bow forward just enough to really show off how well the balding process is going. (I was able to avoid doing so much of that on Day 2 when I brought the barstool that let me get my head down to more average human eye level) Mike caught us arranged perfectly to frame his airbrushed penguin on foam board (some of the gals at Vatterott said they want it for the classroom).
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