Brian, there was a reenactment of the invasion of Morocco in that movie I mentioned. They killed pretty much the whole Moroccan army in that battle. The US Marines swarmed into the palace and took the king/sultan into custody. I didn't watch the whole movie, so I'm a bit fuzzy on the why and the outcome. Something to do with the taking of some American hostages (women and children) by the king/sultan's brother (played by Sean Connery) on the mainland in Tangiers. This was also at the time Teddy was running for reelection, I think. He was also preparing to start the Panama Canal or it was just underway. The first machine gun had been invented (similar to Gatling gun) and it had a part in the invasion on both sides. The king/sultan had a prototype delivered just prior to the attack, but it jammed or ran out of ammo at some point.
Brian Kelsay
"Brian Densmore" <> 10/26/04 02:59PM >>>
I think you're thinking of Teddy's Rough Riders and the charge up San Juan Hill. He wasn't president then. It was however one of the greatest acts of stu<bs><bs><bs>bravery the current age has seen.
-----Original Message----- From: Jonathan Hutchins
Didn't we invade Morocco or something like that?