Is w3/wia and w3/HTML compliance a requirement of the replacement offering? Never was mentioned to me when I offered to create a new modern, dynamic replacement site.
No CMS stock package I have found (I have tested several for a previous project including; PhpNuke, PostNuke, Slashcode, eGroupare, Mambo, and XOOPS) generates either w3/wia or w3/HTML compliant code.
My position is that if it renders well in Mozilla, Firefox, Konqueror and IE that is ensuring a wide enough target audience. Sure the Links guys will get pissed, but realistically I think we should ensure operability with the 99% audience - not degrade the overall visual impression for all to appease the 1%
Other opinions?
Regards, Steven (Tallen)
On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 11:33:06 -0600, Jason Clinton [email protected] wrote:
Steven Hildreth wrote:
I am working on updating the KcLUG website to be a dynamic content site via the XOOPS engine, other than a few graphics needed here and there I think it is ready for beta-viewing by the group.
I like the look but the use of tables as a formating tool is explicitly discouraged by the powers that be:
Specifically, the goal is to make the site make sense when read linearly. (As if you were looking at the site in lynx.)
Here is an analysis of the new page:
Here's some other troubles with the content:
As far as I know, there are no CMS's that use CSS as a layout tool -- CSS can addresses the WAI guidelines and allow the site to still look attractive. I would love to know of any CMS's that do use CSS for layout, though. Anyone?