On Fri, 23 Sep 2005, David Nicol wrote:
On 9/23/05, Don Erickson [email protected] wrote:
If sombody were to trojan a keylogger onto the machine, then they might be able to tell how someone voted, or even, heaven forbid, total up the actual votes [and determine a number that does not match the official results.]
My expressed concern was that somebody might discover the actual vote total.
It certainly looked like satire from this chair...
Composing lucid arguments for mandating open-source ("how far behind Australia are we willing to lag, in basic freedoms? We cannot afford to have a freedom gap!") can be fun...
This argument looks more like an appeal to national pride and emotion, but that seems to be what sells these days. Lucid arguments can only have an effect on lucid people. Everyone else you're going to have to bribe, and the closed-source advocates have more money than you.
-Don, realist.