Wow, that has to be the most egotistical, self-righteous, pompous bullshit that I have read today. Who died and named you King Klug? This debate has raged on since the beginning and you will never be able to make everyone think and act the way you do. Why is it always the little things that just bug the piss out of someone? Take a chill pill, and deal with it. This is a very low volume list, and if you don't like it, you can kiss my Ruby ass.
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning." - Lt. Col. William Kilgore, Apocalypse Now
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Jason Clinton Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 2:51 PM To: Frank Wiles Cc: [email protected] Subject: Re: test
On Thu, 2006-02-16 at 14:25 -0600, Frank Wiles wrote:
I certainly understand your frustration, but instead of getting angry about it, just do what I do. If I can't read the E-mail, I move on...
I appreciate your tempered response and a more rational approach to the issue however, I find that I can not just let it slide. I am personally invested in the vitality of the local Linux community. In the past 3 years I have taught Linux classes to the community for free in my free time; in the last year I have employed no less that 5 members of this mailing list; excluding this last year, I manned the boot at ITEC for three years; and finally, I assisted in the deployment and implementation of the new, locally hosted KCLUG server.
My job in Linux, the Ruby book that I'm writing, the local employment pool, the KC Ruby Users Group who's mailing list I administer, the furtherment of OSS ideology ... ALL of these are related and dependent on a healthy community -- especially locally.
So, I would appreciate it if people would try to avoid being inconsiderate of others. Every mailing to this list is on permanent record and, more importantly, has a lasting effect on those who read it. Please consider the consequences, however small, when you hit send.