Jim Herrmann wrote: J Leo Mauler wrote: J L Garrett Goebel [email protected] wrote: J L G Whenever it becomes affordable, I will switch to VOIP for local J L G and long distance voice service through someone like SunRocket J L G http://www.sunrocket.com for $200/year. J L J L About the only reasons I don't switch to any kind of VoIP are 911 J L service (the 911 dispatcher knows where you are with regular phone J L service but not with VoIP), and the point that phone service doesn't J L necessarily go out when the power goes out, but VoIP service either J L goes out instantly during a power failure, or runs out in six hours J L when the built-in UPS runs out of battery power. J J There is supposed to be e911 now. They know where you are now because J you tell them where you are, and the calls are routed to the 911 J operator in your area. Eventually, I think it's supposed to be able J to figure out where you are. That's kind of disturbing, yet J comforting. Hmm.
SunRocket has E911. Not all the other VOIP providers did last time I checked...
I have a cell phone which covers your power outage scenario. And the downed phone line scenario you didn't mention. Not that it matters much to me, our phone and power are buried.
Makes me rememer an article I read a while back about a VOIP to GSM gateway. Ah thank you google, here it is: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=26715
And that makes me remember how back around '93 you could send faxes internationally or long distance if you knew the email address that'd been setup to forward it to a fax machine in the same local calling area as the destination fax number.
-- Garrett Goebel IS Development Specialist
ScriptPro Direct: 913.403.5261 5828 Reeds Road Main: 913.384.1008 Mission, KS 66202 Fax: 913.384.2180 www.scriptpro.com garrett at scriptpro dot com