On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 3:35 AM, Leo Mauler
<webgiant@yahoo.com> wrote:
Among the many reasons I do not own a Mac is that I am distrustful of "all-in-one" technology. Printers need only print. More "options" provide additional things which can break, sometimes before other options resulting in (for example) a printer which has a broken scanner, necessitating purchase of a separate scanner anyway or disposal of a perfectly good printer. Integration often results in horrible mistakes like the entire line of Windows OSes after v3.11.
Yes I was annoyed about motherboards coming with on-board <anything>. I don't buy any motherboard which has on-board technology (such as networking, video, sound, modem, hard drive controller, floppy controller, etc.) which cannot be switched off and replaced with an add-on card.