On Feb 15, 2008 8:32 PM, Philip Dorr [email protected] wrote:
how do we actually acquire these?
http://www.plattecountyschooldistrict.com/ Contact: Jeanne Malloy
http://www.google.com/search?q=www.plattecountyschooldistrict.com+Jeanne+Mal... Second of the two hits is http://www.plattecountyschooldistrict.com/pchs/directory.htm which has a link to a list of email addresses at http://www.plattecountyschooldistrict.com/pchs/documents/PCHS07wemail.pdf, which reveals this address (obfuscated for her protection): MALLOYJC{Put At Sign Here if you're not a spambot}PCRIII.K12.MO.US
and this information for the email-challenged: Malloy, Jeanne Ext.262 District Technology Coordinator Oddly, the phone number for the high school is not to be found, but it's at http://www.plattecountyschooldistrict.com/pchs/index.htm: Contact Information: 1501 Branch Platte City, Missouri 64079 816-858-2844 FAX 816-858-5140 School Hours: 7:40 a.m. - 2:40 p.m.
Putting two and two together, I'd say email or call 816-858-2844x262 and ask Jeanne if she has any of these things left.