--- Don Erickson [email protected] wrote:
On Sun, 20 Nov 2005, Rick wrote:
If this is unacceptable, then someone in charge please remove me. Otherwise, feel free to feel superior =)
You are in charge. Post as you wish, stay if you like. But understand that if you're posting for others to understand your point, clarity is your best friend. If what you have to say is worth posting at all, why not make the minimal effort to present your views in the proven clearest method possible?
This brings up another point: some people have been posting to the list using some form of structured formatting language such as HTML. I'm speaking of the lines on the side of the posting instead of > characters.
These posts are darned difficult to format for someone else to read them, at least in my webmail, because instead of converting the lines into > characters, the postingEnds up looking like this.And sticking sentences right next to each other.And doing it over and over again.Even if a new paragraph has been started.
Again, your E-mail application/webmail might force you to do so, but if we're talking clarity here its not very easy to reply to someone with HTML (or whatever that is) in their E-mail.
(hmmm, no top posting, check; trimmed lines, check; trimmed replied-to message, check; yup, this post is within the guidelines.)
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