On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 10:57 PM, Leo Mauler [email protected] wrote:
I don't doubt that, in much the same way that there are soap opera addictions, "Robot Chicken" addictions, and "Doctor Who" (and spinoffs) addictions, that there are real porn addictions.
You're correct, in a population big enough you'll find individual cases of psychosis involving just about anything.
My point is that the ones involving "porn addiction", much like those involving "internet addiction", the underlying problem leading to the negative behavior has nothing to do with the stimulus. In other words, the cause of a "porn addiction" isn't the porn itself, but another underlying issue. People with addictive personalities find something to be obsessed about. Normal people can view porn (or surf the 'net) without going psychotic.
Anyhow, I think it's funny when people rail about things like this as I don't see them as a problem. What I do see as a problem are the people that go apoplectic over pornography and such in our media but don't seem to care about violence. What does it say about our society when the morality police don't mind kids seeing violence but go crazy over breasts (Janet Jackson, anyone?). My kid is two months old and he's seen boobs a lot. I'm willing to bet everyone in this country has seen boobs and weren't hurt by it.
I think if we all saw more boobs and less violence we'd live in a better world. :)