Time Warner IS Roadrunner. There are very few places where you can have either cable service in the KC metro area (it's a controlled monopoly). DSL may not be an option, because of your location. Everest is the same way (not available everywhere). If there was competition, it wouldn't be so high. I am screwed. But even my brother would prefer that choice, as his two choices are dialup and satelite. (outside of Pleasant Hill, the WRONG way, from all the buildup).
I haven't tried it yet, but you might look up encrypting Bittorrent traffic. -------------- Original message ---------------------- From: "feba thatl" [email protected]
http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/08/21/comcast-is-starting-the-tiered-intern... hether-we-like-it-or-not
Just saw this earlier. Am I the only one that's appalled by this? I've sent them an angry letter and had a chat with one of their internet chat employees, and if they don't reverse this soon I'm planning on leaving. Does anyone know any good ISPs in the area? Bundled cable (or at least, not satellite) TV is a big plus. I'm looking at Roadrunner, Time Warner, AT&T, and a friend told me about a company called Everest, but of course their marketing sites don't tell you the bad and the ugly of it.