Signing off from this list, with many thanks for the support of those of you who got that there is such a thing as an "open source spirit".

"Results 1 - 10 of about 19,700 for "open source spirit". (0.23 seconds)"

That would include Brian, Jason, Jim, Chris, Oren, and several others who could speak to my relatively low level of expertise, without condescending, or indulging in childish scolding for any lack of knowledge on my part.

It was fun giving Linux a whirl on the desktop, and still use it on my laptop. May try it again when it catches up with my home hardware, but since I have had no burning questions for some time, and have nothing topically noteworthy to contribute at this time, it makes good sense for me to log on to the KCLUG Website and find the instructions for removing myself from the list. I don't think that as a home / home office user only, that the discussions that are of interest to the vast majority of this group, professionally or otherwise, apply to me.

Thanks again, and good luck always,
