On 1/9/07, Brian Kelsay [email protected] wrote:
. I wouldn't work exclusively off of a pendrive like Oren, I'm not that paranoid, nor do I use that many different systems. But you should back up regularly to CD, DVD, USB or you name it. I'm preaching to the choir here. Every time I start using a USB drive or pendrive or CDRW to put my stuff on it, I end up needing to move a single file or set of files that is too big to put w/ everything else, so one more CDRW goes in the bag. Next I had to set up an FTP site so me and a few buds could trade files and I could upload to there. Then there are scheduled backups you can do with various free or purchased products.
This has turned into a ramble or a rant I guess, but I think I mean to say that most stuff is already organized on both modern Winders and Linux and there are different sized solutions for each need. Yeah. Find something that works for you.
A few interesting points seem to come up in different forms of the same goal/s.
The fixed desk persons and the road warriors do indeed need different tactics. And in one place it may be considered tinfoil hat mad to run from pendrives,and another one it's wasted effort since they have keyloggers polled for each user session deciding if the session log itself needs investigating. In that case "who is the paranoid?" gets interesting. Oh- THIS is an example of my comment's reality.
All the extremes aside some things do not change. The underlying goal set stays the same.To never lose information and never lose custody of sensitive information. As in innocently assuming you never will lose that CD wallet or pendrive. The safest course is to minimise locations where you keep "non public" data. And think hard on the risk levels . Money loss or time cost. Which data is considered which gets worthy of a new thread.
And about the "too much stuff for putting w/ "
It's likely to only get worse for some of us. The filesize explosion follows absurd curves. Want to lose money betting that users with 3 brandnew 1TB drives just put into their system will NOT ask us "how do I back up all that?"
"Is it paranoia if there REALLY are hostile people in your daily world intent on catching you at something-or fabricating it- so they can justify their salary?"