Brian, since this is a Debian system, why not use apt-pinning for Spam Assassin to get the version from testing? What does Spam Assassin depend on? If it doesn't need the latest and greatest of a bunch of pkgs., then you shouldn't have much problem. e.g. if it depends on Python, but doesn't need the latest.
Brian Densmore wrote:
I happen to like apache 1.3 and see no problems with the 2.4 kernel. The SA version in stable is 2.2 so it's quite out of date. Then there is exim using version 3.36. The thing I like about stable is that the security patches happen first in stable. Having been hacked once, I tend to be a bit more conservative these days (*and by the way, I've also been seeing a lot of those scripted hack attacks). At least where my "production" software is concerned. At home I run testing/unstable. Not sure how I accomplished that, but there it is.
-----Original Message----- From: Jeremy Turner
I said the heck with it and pinned my server on sarge. It'll be the new stable soon enough. I can't stand SA 2.4 or whatever is in stable, same with 2.4 kernel, Apache 1.3, etc.