Several folks have shared some truly worthy possible fixes. I am planning to sort them by my limited grasp of which are practical for me. There seems to be a depth of comprehension above average in our group, which is quite above mine. So, I am asking permission from those who have contacted me off list to post all the collected work. There seems a possibility of refining the best of all these workarounds into dare I propose a new distro? An assembly of all the tool kits and scripts plus a stand alone minimalist distro such as DSL or Puppy. The killer incarnation to me at least might be a package loaded from a website or sent as a mail attach. With a fallback to CD or USB media if connection is an issue.
Under a doctrine of "if you have USB/CD access, permission is presumed - passwords etc can be simplified Thus we refine one path to -nsert media-reboot- automagic configures-and connects -then somehow it grands me remote KVM. An idea I had was a script to capture the IP of the remote livedistro,-have it Email that to me and then telnet etc in