Yet another reason I like the execution paradigm on the Mac. In WindBlowz, you can close any individual window, but the application continues -- at least to the uninitiated, each window has to be closed separately. In MacOS (classic and current), you can quit the application and all windows close together.

--Don Ellis (trying a new mail client)

[PS - of course turning on popup blocking in the web browser is almost always helpful (except when necessary to run a web application)]

On Jan 16, 2007, at 8:20 AM, Kelsay, Brian - Kansas City, MO wrote:

All the more important that you use Firefox with adblock and flashblock or at the very least, run a pop-up blocking software and have adware/spyware removal tools available.

From: Oren Beck
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 10:59 PM
To: KCLUG (E-mail)
Subject: Could this have been prevented with Linux? OR common sense?

Forgive the long link- but this is NOT a story that should go by uncommented.
For if we do so, the "Who's next?"  may be any innocent caught unaware.
Read the story and be very afraid..
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