On 9/6/07, Luke -Jr [email protected] wrote:
Please explain how the E.R. care costs the hospital anything. Just because they bill a large amount doesn't mean it's justified.
And where is this? Last I checked, it was illegal for hospitals in the US to deny you care because you couldn't pay.
I think you answered your own question there. ER is the single most expensive department in a hospital because they have to give care, and they admit people who are uninsured. They also run the longest hours, have one of the highest risks, and are generally very expensive to operate. Most hospitals make up for this loss by inflating other prices (thus the previous comment about a surgery being less expensive in other countries...).
And about the part where it's illegal to deny care...he was referring to a specialist. ER care is open to anyone regardless of insurance or payment. I do not believe this applies to other departments of privately funded hospitals, or to specialists.