On Wed, January 9, 2008 11:03, Jonathan Hutchins wrote:
On Tue, January 8, 2008 08:51, Oren Beck wrote:
The short end of this is a question raised about traveling folks using TOR from Campgrounds on low end hardware.
Orin, wtf is "TOR"? TCP Over Racing-pigeon?
Ok, google first before you shoot your mouth off. I should have had more coffee.
I presume you meant TOR anonymization. I actually thought you _might_ be talking about bittorrent.
The only places I've seen reference to "TOR" has been on IRC, where the comments have been pretty universally negative, in that not only is it considered impolite, it's not very secure, and doesn't really do what you think it does. That's what I've heard anyway, so I didn't immediately assume that's what you meant. In light of that, I'm surprised to see it seriously discussed here.