Okay I lied again. One _last_ post, sorry. I had "straw men" on my mind apparently. Leo's current sin involving Paris is more a hasty generalization.
On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 1:12 AM, Jeffrey Watts [email protected]wrote:
His Paris Hilton argument is a classic straw man. He uses her because most people despise her, and takes a trivial relationship between otherwise extremely dissimilar things and blows it up into a side-by-side comparison. It's the same silly thing you see on McCain's "celebrity" adverts. In this case, Paris Hilton is known primarily for her sex tape, her name, her lack of shame, and her overexposure. Her criminal problems were just icing on the cake and fodder for the gossip-mill. What's "wrong with her" is not her disregard for the law - her problems are much much deeper than that. Thus comparing her with a complex issue involving MILLIONS of people is flimsy. If he weren't trying to use a straw man he wouldn't have selected such an incendiary subject for his analogy. As I said, he's not stupid.