They've replaced the Henry Ford Policy ("pay people enough to afford your product") with the Wal-Mart Policy ("keep people poor enough that they can't afford anything but your product").
At least Wal-Mart "cares" enough to keep people from having to work more than 39 hours a week, and all those annoying benefits that come from working more than 39 hours a week.
--- Gary Hildebrand [email protected] wrote:
This is a sign of the times. Too bad they can't learn from Henry Ford when he declared the $5 a day wage in 1914. He was also the first to institute the 5 day 40 hour week in 1926.
How quickly we forget people.
Gary Hildebrand St. Joseph, MO
"Not be averse to working sixty (60) hour weeks (a typical work day from 8:00 â 7:30 pm);"
Good catch! It seems more and more HR people are in the business of trying to trick people into slave labor.
I'm liking my current job even more!
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