On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 02:24:35PM -0600, Brian Kelsay wrote:
Has anyone created .rpm or .deb files for RedHat, SuSe or Debian systems? Do you do everything from the command line or have you found any graphical tools to help with the process?
Take a look at checkinstall
It will do the hard part for an rpm .spec file, haven't tried it with .deb files. From the introduction:
A lot of people has asked me how can they remove from their boxes a program they compiled and installed from source. Some times - very few - the program's author adds an "uninstall" rule to the Makefile, but that's not usually the case. That's my primary reason to write checkinstall. After you ./configure;make your program, It will run "make install" (or whatever you tell it to run) and keep track of every file modified by this installation, using the excellent installwatch utility written by Pancrazio 'Ezio' de Mauro [email protected].
When "make install" is done, checkinstall will create a Slackware, RPM or Debian package and install it with Slackware's installpkg, "rpm -i" or "dpkg -i" as appropriate, so you can view it's contents in /var/log/packages or remove it with removepkg (for Slackware), "rpm -ql" and "rpm -e" (RPM) or "dpkg -I" and "dpkg -r" (Debian).