--- Julie [email protected] wrote:
I have soooooo much stuff stored in my many Y! accounts it's not even close to funny! I've had these accounts for YEARS and you know how stuff 'piles up'.
Yes, I see now that Unlimited Mail Storage is more of a curse than a blessing.
I wonder how to go about starting an online 'petition' to Yahoo to "Just say NO! to M$". After all, "it's the _customer_ who is *supposed* to be right!" Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. :)
The irony about all of this is that Yahoo might take Microsoft's offer for the same reasons that Microsoft is making the offer: competition from Google is causing both of them to lose revenue streams.
According to the original news story, even with the market downturns Google stock is still trading at something like $500 a share, compared to both Microsoft and Yahoo trading at below $100 a share each.
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