On 5/10/2011 11:40 AM, Haworth, Michael A. wrote:
I’m not looking to make a major project out of doing this, just wanting to know if either part is feasible and if there are any (relatively) simple ways of going about it w/out totally borking one machine or the other.

I'm not ENTIRELY sure that this is even feasible.  Copying files form Desktop to Laptop is one thing, but configuration (Gnome level ) is doable.  but your X-setup won't be feasible.  Laptop is 1 screen, Desktop's 3 and that'll seriously bork your configuration.

What i used to do is run a rsync for my personal files in /home/jbrouhard and sync them back and forth all the time.   Boot up usually synced for me (nice little login script).  Beyond that, configurations can vary wildly from laptop to desktop due to technology used (I'm talking hardware.. it's fairly hard to match hardware in a desktop to a laptop LOL)
Joe Brouhard
[email protected]