--- Oren Beck [email protected] wrote:
At the risk of Unleashing more Dogma by a careless religious reference.
ALL the Whines about altering the ways we post to the existing list. ALL the attempts at thinly disguised power grabbing. ALL the insincere clamor to Just Change Things to Some Other Way.
Let's give it up for lent eh?
After all- one IS to my understanding to sacrifice their deepest joy for lent. And it frankly seems as if trolling,flaming and general moaning has become some folk's all consuming joyous passion! My appearing Snarky is actually a bit more to prove a point.
First off, some people don't celebrate (for lack of a better word) Lent.
Secondly, Vatican II put a lot of joy back into Lent, and I doubt there are many pre-Vatican II folks on KCLUG (for example, Grandma eats fish on ALL Fridays and she's 97 years old).
Thirdly, if we removed all the whining from KCLUG's mailing list, people wouldn't bother reading it because of the near complete inactivity. :-P
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