Earle Beason wrote:
Playing around in my spare time I have been trying to get fedora 7 to do the php includes, but for some reason I missed something and it not getting the desired results, anybody have a clue what I might have missed?
Also, what steps to I need to take to have my Fedora 7 machine acts as a web server
The key thing to remember is that the core steps to getting php to work on Fedora is the same as on any other distribution.
You need to install the php package (in this case it is in rpm format). You need to restart the server (service httpd restart). You then put your PHP code in a file ending in .php and attempt to access it. If this doesn't work then look at your log files for clues.
If you want to setup Fedora to be a webserver then ensure that:
1) You open up port 80 (and maybe 443 for https) on your local firewall.
2) You ensure that the webserver will start up on reboot.