Well good luck in the fight to remove old hardware and more
specifically SCO. Yet more reason that SCO blows goats and why you
can't get too far behind the times w/ a proprietary OS. I bet if you
contacted SCO, they'd sell you some pkg to give full DOS support, a tool
to format a drive to work in SCO, or even network support. The key is
they'd sell you something to get your data back off their incompatible
old piece of crap OS. Good luck with Debian and may your nightmares be
few. Many server apps I'm seeing lately have support for at least
RedHat, so there is hope.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: On Behalf Of RtX
>Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2006 11:43 AM
>Job is done. Success! Yes, SCO UNIX has not kicked my ass yet,
>even on an old 486!
>Before I tell how I want to thank everyone for their help and support.
>You all are great!
>I located a working 50-pin SCSI 1.2 GB tape drive with tape,
>and simply made a tar backup with this drive, added the drive
>and SCSI card to the new server and untarred from backup.
>Works like buttuh! I did not have this drive before and didn't
>know I would have it when I started the thread. I was hoping
>to get the same thing done
>(basically) by using a SCSI HDD. Still no joy on that front. I
>found out that SCO 3.2 does not have full DOS file system
>support (only for
>floppies) and this is why I had so much trouble with the HDD.
>BTW - The software in question here is "Keypoint" software.
>It's mainly for the trucking industry but maybe more. They are
>still pushing SCO UNIX for their products. I asked about a
>Linux port for my clients as I wanted to get them off of SCO
>and on to something a little more flexible. They have made it
>work on Linux before.
>Specifically RedHat Enterprise Server. I'm doing it in Debian.
>Wish me luck...
>Ty Unes - Overland Park, Ks.